I’m Gumby Damn It!

July 23, 2008

I haven’t been impressed so far with what Rick Reilly brings to ESPN’s events. He seems uncomfortable on camera, disjointed in his presentation, and really lacking in insight. But I used to enjoy his work in Sports Illustrated back in the day, so I expected to feel the same way about his work on ESPN.com. On the contrary. His newest column is the second one so far that had me submitting a comment form critical of his efforts.

This one is about being mistaken for other people, which can be embarrassing, I know. However, I think the issue for Rick is that he wants desperately to be recognized, and then is disappointed to realize that he isn’t really important, famous, or popular enough to be recognized. I’d suggest that if you are paid to go to the U.S. Open, a golf tournament at Lake Tahoe, and on the “Today Show,” you probably are living a pretty charmed life. If being mistaken for Mitch Albom, Rick Rhoden, or the oven guy is the cost, it doesn’t seem to me it would be too high a price to pay.